Monday, November 03, 2008

Thoughts of Mandriva

So I have Mandriva 2008.1 on my computer. So far there are only a couple of annoyances.

1) Logging in
When I installed Mandriva I added a password. No problem.
Rebooted the computer. At the end of my session I had my password memorized and turned off the computer.
A couple of days later I turned on the computer, but it would not take my password or allow me to log in.
So I tried about 30 combinations, then by accident I typed my login name only to discover that numlock was
turned on. Well, when I typed my login name it had numbers in it. The keyboard is a mini keyboard with the keys laid out close to that of a laptop. It seems that Mandravia turns the Numlock 'ON' unlike Ubuntu, PCLinuxOS and Mint.

2) Mandriva and the vanishing MD5 sum.
If you downloaded Mandriva and got the MD5 sum without a lot of searching then count yourself lucky. It really is hidden away I even searched with Google and all I found were people asking where the MD5 sum was and strange cryptic clues from others who probably found the information by accident but wanted others to go through the pain of finding it.

3) Variations of Mandriva.
It's not clear (as in I am an idiot, and could not be bothered to look) what you get with the three different versions of Mandriva- free, one and Powerpack versions. I don't just mean lists of programs, I mean Powerpack number of seats / licenses, home, professional. What happens in 6 months when a new version comes out? Does everything stop working or is there a slightly cheaper upgrade path. I know that people need to make money, but $80 (from what I can see) each year is a little expensive.

Other than that it seems OK

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