Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Doctor Who season 4 ...Finally!!!!

My wife and I being good little netizens, do not torrent files.
We waited until Doctor Who was finally shown by the CBC. However we're not stupid, and when the DVD set for S4 was released prior to the last four episodes being shown on the CBC we pre-ordered it and then watched all the remaining shows at once.

Which brings us to the the S4 finale of Doctor Who.
All in all not bad. It was nice to see all the companions together (even if some of them didn't have much to do) and Davros was excellent. Just one little niggle. Treating Donna the way they did was dreadful. Precious few people wanted Donna as a season long companion, but when we got her, most everyone was impressed with the growth and character development. To rip all that away, to turn her into the same vapid, gobby cow she was at the beginning of The Runaway Bride was mind-bogglingly cruel.

All the other companions got to keep their memories of their time with the Doctor, even if they didn't get to keep the Doctor. They were better people at the end than they were at the beginning. Here's how Donna's finale should have gone down.

Everything was fine until they were back in the TARDIS. When the Doctor informed her that she couldn't keep her super huge Time Lord knowledge in her comparatively tiny human brain.

How it should have ended...
He should just have taken that knowledge away, not everything that happened since she'd met him. Donna then decides that travelling anymore with the Doctor would be too painful with the memory of what she had to give up. At her request, he takes her back to Chiswick.
She mopes around for a day or two, until finally one night, out in the allotment, her grandad, says "I reckon it's time I gave you this." and pulls out a pocket watch.

It would have been a far better ending to have Donna revealed as a Time Lord.

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