Sunday, December 14, 2008

The day the earth stood still -A review

So we went to the movies yesterday and watched
- The day the earth stood still -
and I figured that we should see it in IMAX. So we paid our extra $3 (x2) and without giving too many spoilers the verdict was it was good.

The kid was annoying. There were certain bits left in for people who had seen the original, but in most cases changed to be only subtle.
It was entertaining, a sort of good story, an OK twist on the the original.
If you changed the robot to a different shaped thing or alien then removed the name GORT and Klaatu, Then you could call this movie anything.
The movie would stand on it's own as a good story.
I think it is a shame they called it the day the earth stood still.

You could pick it apart if you really wanted to.

I did not notice anything substantial enough to warrant the extra money for IMAX.
Go see it but save yourself the extra cash needed for the IMAX.

I am still continuing to build my Gort.

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