Friday, September 05, 2008

Linux Mint Mint tea

According to the recent Mac vs PC spoof commercial, Microsoft has come out with a line of relaxing teas to deal with the frustrations of using Vista.
Well, I surely could have used some Linux Mint Mint today. while configuring network access to other computers and my printer via CUPS.
I've been spending a lot of time trying to track down issues recently. This does not seem to be just plain setup issues
I could have used Crashytime Chamomile every other time I accessed PenguinTV, and I needed a lot of Pomegranate Patience when trying to use Flash player in Firefox.
I had to turn off Compiz's funky rotating screens to get Blender to open, Wow, now I need those bath salts.

But seriously configuring the network was quite a headache because I could not find where Gnome had hidden "Connect to Server" (it's in the "File" menu). I don't know why but I was looking in the "Go" menu. I thought it was missing. I actually installed Konqueror where I found the aptly named "Add a Network Folder" and that only took minutes to setup. Maybe it has always been there. I configured it once previously and then never needed it again. Maybe it's because I'm more familiar with KDE... but I have to say thumbs up to Konqueror.

I installed Opera because it does not seem to have the same issues as Firefox with Flash.
Also, as a side note, I hate that Mint hijacks my Google search from the search box in the tool bar. I should say I would not mind it if it did not reformat everything. I'm thinking that if I keep on using Mint then I may donate and just get rid of the code, however now I am in a distro-hopping mood.

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