Monday, February 25, 2008

Visor up and down

I have added a servo motor inside the head section of my Gort statue.
The servo will be controlled by a Pic micro controller programed with a Picaxe basic program (mainly because it is quick and easy to do).

I am in the process of gathering the parts for the PCB. I hope to have this finished in the next couple of days. I am using some of the PCBs I used in the Dalek project. I took the time to make them very general purpose so that I could get maximum usage out of them. If all goes well the visor will lift up and drop accordingly.

Pictures as soon as the servo is running.

I have also been busy adding shape (paper mache) to the dome part of the head. This is a bit tedious because I need to wait for it to dry between coats.

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